What has Coronavirus revealed about Waste Collection in the UK?

30th Apr 2020

The coronavirus outbreak has had a significant impact on countries all around the world and has left many people confined to their homes. While the disruption to our daily routines is not ideal, there have been some positives from the pandemic. In particular, fewer carbon emissions have reduced environmental damage and allowed nature to flourish. According to researchers at the Global Carbon Project, the coronavirus pandemic could cause the biggest fall in the world’s carbon dioxide pollution output in over 70 years. The environment has become cleaner through the pandemic and we should proactively ensure that it continues once the period of isolation is over. Sustainable waste management should be a major focus and everyone has a responsibility to dispose of their waste in a way that is eco-friendly. With this in mind, here are some key ways to improve your waste management:

Move to a waste baler

Waste balers are an effective way to separate and compact waste items such as paper, plastic, and cardboard more efficiently. The bales are then transported to recycling facilities to be processed. A cardboard baler is an innovative recycling machine that compresses loose cardboard boxes and creates neat bales, saving space, time and money. They are often used within businesses to help companies improve their recycling efforts, reduce costs, and boost their green credentials. Baling machines eliminate the need for employees to manually flatten waste items. This boosts efficiency and productivity in the workplace as employees have more time to focus on their core business tasks.

Use commercial waste collection services

Waste collection services are essential as they ensure that commercial waste is removed from your business premises and transported to the correct waste management facilities. This helps to improve recycling rates and also protects the health of your employees and the public by preventing the buildup of waste. Check when commercial waste collection services are operational in your area and always put bins and bales out the night before your scheduled collection day. Keep in mind that you will have separate operators for bins and bales and the waste collection day may differ. You also need to ensure that your waste items are sorted and separated into bins and bales correctly. Putting the wrong items in your recycling bin may cause contamination and lead to a whole load of recyclable items being sent to landfill. Many commercial waste collections have been affected by coronavirus. You can find guidance on prioritising waste collection services during coronavirus by visiting the GOV.UK website.

Improve your recycling efforts

The UK produces more than 100 million tonnes of waste every year. It is essential that this waste is disposed of in a way that is sustainable to reduce environmental harm. Fortunately, the UK provides excellent recycling facilities and everyone has the opportunity to dispose of their waste in an eco-friendly manner. Here are a few tips to help you improve your recycling efforts:

  • Rent or purchase a baler or compactor to reduce your waste volumes and costs. A baler can reduce your CO2 emissions by 75% when compared to bins because there are much fewer refuse lorry collections.
  • Offer incentives to encourage your staff to improve their recycling efforts in the workplace and support your green policies.
  • Reduce the amount of waste you produce in the first place by switching to digital processes wherever possible. You should also avoid plastic bottles and containers.
  • Purchase second-hand furniture and other recycled items for your business or home.
  • Buy easy to use recycling bins and store them in a convenient and accessible location. Put up signs to remind staff of your recycling policies.

Final thoughts

The coronavirus outbreak has had a devastating effect and disrupted the daily lives of people all around the world. However, the pandemic has given us the chance to reflect on the state of our environment and identify ways to lead a more healthy and sustainable lifestyle. The period of isolation has drastically reduced carbon emissions and allowed nature to flourish. Nasa images show that pollution levels over China are clearing, air pollution is dropping all across the globe, and wildlife has returned to Venice canals for the first time in years. We should all use this period of isolation as an opportunity to review our environmental impact and adopt green habits to help protect the environment. Sustainable waste management plays a key role in reducing harmful emissions and we all have a responsibility to dispose of our waste in a way that is eco-friendly.


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