The Benefits of Used Recycling Equipment for Businesses

13th Dec 2023

As more and more businesses aim to reduce their overall carbon footprint and make a positive impact on the environment with greener initiatives, the demand for tried-and-tested recycling solutions continues to grow. Many companies are hesitant about sourcing new equipment due to additional costs, staff re-training and potential disruption. However, these initial concerns often subside when they learn of the financial and environmental benefits of sourcing refurbished equipment to improve workplace recycling. From helping achieve your carbon zero goals, reducing waste costs and even freeing up space onsite, installing used recycling equipment instead of new has a wealth of positives.  

Here are just some of the benefits of purchasing used waste compactors

Lower Purchase Cost 

Purchasing new expensive equipment for your businesses often requires authorisation from senior decision makers and the upfront cost elongates the ROI. However, by purchasing a used machine, you are greatly reducing the initial cost, making it easier to get the go ahead and deliver a quicker financial pay back. 

Smaller Lead Times 

Due to global delays in shipping, the delivery of new equipment can be severely delayed. By purchasing used machinery from the UK, delivery times are much quicker. As an established supplier in the UK with 3 sites, QCR hold good stocks of refurbished compactors which have already been serviced and are ready to be installed enabling you to achieve your environmental goals much quicker.  

Quality Ensured  

With well over 20 years of experience in the recycling equipment industry, QCR has a team of experts ready at hand to offer you the best customer experience and guarantee your business gets the most suitable machine for your needs. Our used machines offer a proven waste handling system which has been refined over many years by our Engineering Team. 

Simple Operation 

As with any new machinery, the newest models often come with a dazzling array of technical features. However, if they do not add any value to your business, then they can be an expensive extravagance. By choosing a simpler earlier model, you are likely to get a machine which is less complicated to operate. 

Sustainable Option 

In 2021, the UK Government estimated that the UK generated over 40 million tonnes of commercial and industrial waste which was sent to landfill. By purchasing a refurbished machine, not only are you helping the earth by recycling, but you’re also reducing the amount of machinery being sent to landfill, making an even bigger positive impact on the planet.  

Does Used Recycling Equipment Come with A Warranty? (yes, with QCR) 

Absolutely. All of our machinery comes with a 12 month machine warranty that also includes both parts & labour (if the machine is installed in the UK). All warranties can be extended beyond the initial 12-month period for a reasonable cost to give you peace of mind for years to come, which means you can get on with your other activities. Our Engineers are located throughout the UK and aim to respond to all calls within 48-72 hours. 

What Is the Expected Lifetime of Used Recycling Equipment? 

QCR documents the service history of every single one of our machines, meaning we know exactly what work has been done, what parts have been fitted and what is needed to keep it in tip-top condition. Every machine is different of course, but we have three fully stocked depots packed with a variety of spares parts, baler accessories and everything you could need, run by highly experienced teams of engineers available to help you both in person and over the phone. For added peace of mind when out of the initial warranty period, Service Agreements can be purchased. 

Are Refurbished Recycling Machines Still Efficient? 

All of our used compactors are refurbished by us to a very high standard by our team of trained engineers using high-quality parts to ensure it confirms to current Health & Safety standards. We also offer full training on-site to ensure your team know exactly how to use the equipment safely and efficiently. All equipment comes with a full and detailed manual that you can refer to whenever it’s needed, and if you have any questions, issues or concerns, you’re free to call us Monday - Friday for help and we’d be happy to assist.  

QCR is an award-winning company with 24 years of experience, a team of highly trained engineers and plenty of awards and excellent customer feedback. Our aim is to help your business boost overall sustainability and conform to applicable waste legalisation by supplying you with the tools to maximise recycling. 

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